الرئيسية / الوظائف / 1443 مشاهدة22 يوليو 2024

Internal sales employee - Koneta - STJEGYPT

Internal sales employee - Koneta - STJEGYPT

Work Type : Full Time
Experience : 0-1 Years

Gender : male and female
Salary: Not mentioed
Salary Type : Net Salary
Location: Egypt

Job details

Job field: Marketing and sales, internal job specialty

- Adherence to work hours, work regulations and procedures.

- Beginner and able to learn and acquire the necessary skills for the job.

- A person on whom information depends and who participates with others in determining the details of the work.

- Good appearance and personal hygiene are required

- Accuracy, speed and mastery in performing job functions.

- Dealing with the direct manager strictly and honorably.

- Adopts a smart and good manner.

- Responding to customer inquiries and clarifying them to management.

- The product was produced well

-The residence must be close to the work address

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