تقدم الحكومة البلجيكية هذا العام 45 منحة دراسية لطلاب الماجستير حول العالم ، بالتعاون مع أكثر من 10 جامعات .
وسيتمكن الطالب من اختيار التخصص الذي يناسبه ، من كافة التخصصات التي تقدمها الجامعات المشاركة بالمنحة .
المنحة الدراسية مدفوعة التكاليف ، لكن قد يطلب من الدارسين رسوما رمزية لا تتعدى 105 دولار في العام الواحد .
- آخر موعد للتقديم هو 30 أبريل .
The Government of Flanders has launched a new scholarship programme in 2015, Master Mind Scholarships. For the academic year 2017-2018, it awards up to 45 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries. The programme aims to promote the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education, as stated in the Action Plan for Student Mobility, Brains on the Move (September 2013).
Students cannot apply directly. Applications need to be submitted by the Flemish host institution.
For the Flemish Host Institutions:
Please find the guidelines for application at the bottom of this page.
For students:
You can find more information in the guidelines for application at the bottom of this page. However, you need to contact the Flemish higher education institution to inquire about their internal selection procedures and deadline for submitting the application
Applying from HERE
وسيتمكن الطالب من اختيار التخصص الذي يناسبه ، من كافة التخصصات التي تقدمها الجامعات المشاركة بالمنحة .
المنحة الدراسية مدفوعة التكاليف ، لكن قد يطلب من الدارسين رسوما رمزية لا تتعدى 105 دولار في العام الواحد .
- آخر موعد للتقديم هو 30 أبريل .
The Government of Flanders has launched a new scholarship programme in 2015, Master Mind Scholarships. For the academic year 2017-2018, it awards up to 45 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries. The programme aims to promote the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education, as stated in the Action Plan for Student Mobility, Brains on the Move (September 2013).
Students cannot apply directly. Applications need to be submitted by the Flemish host institution.
For the Flemish Host Institutions:
Please find the guidelines for application at the bottom of this page.
For students:
You can find more information in the guidelines for application at the bottom of this page. However, you need to contact the Flemish higher education institution to inquire about their internal selection procedures and deadline for submitting the application
Applying from HERE