About the content
Improve your ability to manage creativity and to lead an innovation strategy in businesses, schools, hospitals, governments, and other complex organizations and institutions, by diagnosing likely innovation failures before they occur.
Week 1: Introduction: Why Everyone Wants Innovation but No One Wants to Change
Week 2: Individual Constraints: Why Most of Us Are More Creative Than We Think
Week 3: Group Constraints: Why a Brainstorm Meeting Can Be Worse Than No Meeting at All
Week 4: Organizational Constraints: Why You’ll Never Be a Prophet in Your Own Hometown
Week 5: Industry Constraints: If It’s Such a Great Idea, Why Isn’t Our Competitor Doing It?
Week 6: Societal Constraints: Why My Innovation Means You Have to Change
Week 7: Technological Constraints: How to Take a Really Hard Problem and Make It Completely Impossible
Week 8: When Failure Is Not an Option: Leading an Innovation Strategy